Community Guidelines
Honoring the Many is a memorial to loved ones who have died from a substance-use-related cause. Your person's memory lives on, and we hope submitting a memorial brings you comfort and a sense of connection to them. We invite you to share your loved one’s picture and memorial on Honoring the Many as one of the ways you keep their memory alive.
- See a variety of examples of Memorial Statements. people have written for their loved ones on Honoring the Many
These guidelines help ensure that your Memorial Statement meets the standards Honoring the Many sets to keep the site welcoming and safe for everyone. In addition, the guidelines are intended to help you create a Memorial Statement that is as powerful and meaningful as it can be for you and for everyone who visits your loved one’s page.:
Memorial Statements:
- Should represent the person being honored and focus on saying who the person was and why they are missed.
- Should be free of any disparaging, disrespectful, or judgemental messages about the deceased person or anyone else.
- Should not include statements that are starkly political or that protest against or “call out” other people, institutions, etc.
- Should be written using nonoffensive language, erring on the side of what might be described as family-friendly language. This is a place for you to speak with reverence about those who have died.
By submitting a Memorial Statement, you are agreeing to follow these guidelines. Peer Support Community Partners (which manages and reserves the right to determine whether a Memorial Statement adheres to these guidelines and can be published. PSCP will attempt to communicate clearly with people who submit a statement that does not follow the guidelines and assist people with revising their submission.